Sunday, August 1, 2010

North - Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota

A collage for the day - and - oops! I forgot Wyoming (Freudian. I think!) - Busy-fun- Deadwood a bit of a disappointment - too many casinos for me...LOVED the 'Sturgis Poulation' sign - so many bikers everywhere we go! Especially significant is the pic of James with his buddy, Gutzom Borglum. He did quite a research project on Mount Rushmore, the Borglums and Doane Robinson in fourth grade. We did NOT explore the Wind Cave itself - more time than we were willing to spend.
We are spending the night in Rapid City- they have these amazing Presidentail statutes throughout the do downtown area. Very cool!


Enjoying Pearl Street
What a relaxing day! We
  • visited McGunkin's Hardware store - always a good stop in Boulder -
  • had lunch at Boulder Cafe - good meal, snarly waiter -
  • Enjoyed Luke, lovely weather and LOADS of street thee-a-ter
  • visited Celestial Seasonings - coolest ticket for the factory tour - a packet of tea!
  • and ended our day in Denver, preparing to say au revior to Poppa Bear